This year Quartek Place at 89-91 St. Paul St. will be taking part in the Community Cares fill a holiday barrel. If you are stopping by and wish to take part, bring an item for the barrel. The barrel will be located at the Quartek Group lobby and we will have four weeks to fill it up.
Each week a different item will be asked for. If our barrel gets too full we can have another delivered.
Week 1: Nov 17-21 Non-perishable foods (peanut butter, kraft dinner, canned pasta or soup etc…) and or Christmas “goodies” food drive….the treats we all enjoy during the holidays.
Week 2: Nov 24-28 NEW warm winter accessories…hats, gloves, scarves, socks, underwear, PJ’s, long underwear…for all ages.
Week 3: Dec 1-5 All ages need personal hygiene products…you and I may take many of these items for granted however for others it is a luxury: soaps, shampoos, diapers, baby products, shaving products, toilet paper, personal hygiene products, new towels and facecloths.
Week 4: Dec 8-12 NEW stocking stuffer toys
Remember no donation is too small…everything matters