It is with best wishes (and some reluctance😉) from the ownership, directors and all staff at Quartek, that we announce that Norman Ocampo, Director of Architecture, is retired from full-time practice. His distinguished career has included almost 21 years here at Quartek as designer, project architect, project manager, shareholder, mentor and leader. Norm has consistently provided stable, yet passionate, leadership for the architectural team and the company as a whole, frequently challenging us all with ways to grow as individuals and as a team.
We trust that Niagara’s architectural design and construction communities, along with Norm’s many clients and other contacts, will join with us as we wish Norm all the best as he enters retirement, and as he pursues new interests and pastimes. While we will greatly miss his many contributions, he has promised not to be a stranger and to continue to contribute as a valuable resource for periodic consultation and assistance with strategic initiatives.
Meanwhile, our experienced and diverse team of professionals and technical staff continues to be ready, willing and able to follow Norm’s lead in providing first class building design and project management results.